Thanks to all the fabulous editors, agents, speakers, readers, writers and members who made this weekend’s event so wonderful and memorable! Already looking forward to our 10th Anniversary conference next year! Mark your dates: March 30-31, 2019 Renaissance Woodbridge Hotel Woodbridge, New Jersey #amwriting #amreading #booklover #conference #writer #writing #conference
Tag Archives: writers conference
2009 November Member News
Various members of the Liberty States Fiction Writers participated in the group’s street fair in Somerville.

Caridad Pineiro has received 5 stars from for her November release SINS OF THE FLESH. Single Titles noted “An innovative paranormal romantic suspense series begins with SINS OF THE FLESH, where danger constantly lurks and pressing questions need immediate answers. Caridad Pineiro never disappoints, and her new series looks to be a winner in every possible way.”
Cris Anson is pleased to announce that Literary Nymphs Reviews was given 5 Nymphs to her latest release, DANCE OF THE ROGUE.
C.H. Admirand just signed a contract with Sourcebooks for a 3 book deal to be published in mass market paperback!!! Dark-haired, dark-eyed Irishmen…Tyler, Clint & Jesse Garahan. The men of the Circle G. Book one is Tyler’s story.
Linda Parisi is thrilled to announce that she won NJRW’s Golden Leaf award for Best First Book. Her book is NOBLE BLOOD, from The Wild Rose Press.
Kathy Kulig reports that she just had an email from her editor at Ellora’s Cave. She’s been offered a contract for DAMNED AND DESIRED, book 2 in her Demons in Exile series.
Registration for the 2010 Create Something Magical Conference is now open! Please visit our conference page:
On this page you can find information about our speakers, see the list of attending editors and agents, sign up to receive conference email updates and, of course, register to attend the conference. Over the coming months we will be posting information on the workshops, any additional speakers/editors/agents that will be attending, when editor/agent appointment sign up will open, as well as the conference schedule to this page, so stop back often.