Anne Carrole
Anne Carrole has been writing stories since she was in elementary school but back then the hero was more likely to ride a bike not a horse and share a stick of gum rather than a kiss. A co-founder of the western historical romance site,, her muse usually comes wearing a cowboy hat or a uniform. Raised on a farm with horses, dogs, cats, chickens, rabbits and whatever other animals she could convince her parents to shelter, she’s married to her own sweet-talking hero and is the proud mother of a college bound teen. They all share their home with a sleek black cat with an attitude to match.
Anson, Cris**
I write erotic romance because I firmly believe that life doesn't stop at the bedroom door. I had a deeply romantic relationship with my husband of 22 years, and I want to celebrate his memory in my writing. After he died, it took me a long time to come out of my grief, but parts of him -- his honor, courage, optimism, tenacity, and lust for life -- live on in all my heroes. They’re all alpha men, as well.
And I write erotic romance because I feel you're never too old to give or receive love. Many of my stories have older heroines who dazzle younger men, and I wouldn't mind being such a heroine in real life. But that's another story...
I'm a member of Romance Writers of America, Liberty States Fiction Writers, and EPIC - the Electronic Publishing Industry Coalition. I’ve written for Ellora’s Cave since signing my first contract in 2004. I love gardening, and grow peonies (my friend calls them the “floozies” of the flower world), dahlias and other showy flowers. I play the piano occasionally, listen to classical music almost all the time, and sometimes dance to music only I can hear. And I read, read, read. I hope you do, too.
Betsy Reeder
Betsy Reeder grew up in then-rural Maryland and later found her way to Central Appalachia, where she worked as a biologist until moving to upstate New York to enjoy retirement. Her main avocation is writing, primarily historical fiction. Other enjoyments include walking, birding, haphazard gardening, spiritual exploration, natural history, captivating novels, animals (both wild and tame), and every second spent with family and friends. She has completed a published trilogy of Appalachian fiction: Madam's Creek, Broomstraw Ridge, and Salt in Boiling Water. In addition, a biography/compilation of letters illuminating the life of John A. Broadus.
Delia Pitts
Born and raised in Chicago, Delia Pitts graduated from Oberlin College with a Bachelor’s degree in history. After working as a journalist, she earned a Ph.D. in African history from the University of Chicago. She is a former university administrator and U.S. diplomat. Murder Take Two is the sixth book in her contemporary noir mystery series. Her short story, “The Killer,” was selected for inclusion in Best American Mystery and Suspense 2021. Another story, “A Deadly First,” was published in the 2022 holiday crime anthology, Festive Mayhem 3. Her short story, “Midnight Confidential," was published in the crime fiction anthology, Midnight Hour. She serves on the national board of Sisters in Crime and is an active member of Crime Writers of Color. Her suspense novel, Nothing Gold Can Stay, will be published in summer 2024 by Minotaur Books, an imprint of St. Martin's Press and Macmillan.
Dottie Lake
Dottie Lake is an internationally published writer, blogger, and author of the “Echo Village Series”. With a lifetime interest in writing, Dottie has developed a unique book series based in a small town in Vermont, Echo Village. The first novel in this series, “Emma’s Heart” introduces the reader to this small town teeming with intrigue, suspense, and romance with just a dash of humor. Readers give it 5 stars: “Could not put this awesome read down!” “Absolutely love the escape this book gave me!” “It takes you to Emma’s world where she shows the true power of perseverance, determination, and love.” “Loved Emma’s Heart and look forward to more books in this series!”
Eden Freed
An avid reader and writer, Eden started her path to writing in her youth, being spurred on by the thrill of competition. In college, she became interested in entertainment. Life has taken her on many interesting twists and turns, each adding to her unique perspective.
Years later as a happily married mother of five, lecturer, and a successful entertainer, Eden rekindled her original passion for writing. Decided to give her husband a unique holiday gift, she wrote her first novel, Amara the Witch. Exploring various genres from Fantasy to Women’s Issues, Eden’s vivacious personality finally came through in Violet Blooms, the first in a series of three romantic erotica books.
Emily Ruhl
A history buff at heart, she loves any opportunity that allows her to learn more about the past. In her spare time, she also enjoys studying different languages and cultures, exploring the great outdoors, and spending time with her family and friends. As a culmination of her fondness for folklore and all things Italian, "The Bonds Between Us" is Emily’s debut novel.
Fawcett, K.M.
K.M. Fawcett is the author of the thrilling sci-fi romance series, The Survival Race. She enjoys stories filled with adventure and strong, kick-butt heroes and heroines. Ranked 4th degree black belt in Isshinryu Karate and 3rd degree in Ryukonkai (Okinawan weapons), K.M. and her husband own Tenchi Isshinryu Karate Dojo in NJ. When not writing sci-fi & paranormal romances or working out at the dojo, K.M. is driving her children to drum lessons and ballet classes. Visit her on Facebook, Twitter, and at her website
Flagg, Mickey
M. Flagg is a retired music educator and school administrator and a published author of paranormal romance. After twelve years, she is writing again and has recently completed a new novel in the genre. Also published in music education and in a web magazine, M. Flagg is looking forward to, once again, exploring creative endeavors.
Greenfeder, Catherine**
Born and raised in New York City, Catherine Greenfeder grew up listening to wonderful storytellers in her family. A retired English teacher, Catherine continues to work on writing novels and short stories. She published three adult romance novels including Sacred Fires, a paranormal romance about soul mates reuniting to uncover an antiquities smuggling operation in Mexico; Wildflowers, a historical western romance; Angels Among Us, a contemporary paranormal set in New Jersey; a young adult series about a ghost hunter in Ocean Grove, New Jersey which included A Kiss Out of Time and A Dance Out of Time. She is currently writing a third in the young adult series, a women's fiction book, and a memoir. Catherine is married to Wayne, her high school sweetheart and soul mate, She’s the mother of a young adult son and a feisty but fun mixed Lab. named Bandit.
Harry Breiner
Harry is a former journalist, turned award-winning middle school teacher. The writing bug never left; however, and Harry has written several children's books (one published so far) and is working on his first novel.
Jankowski, Alan (In Memoriam)
Alan W. Jankowski is the award winning author of well over one hundred short stories, plays and poems. His stories have been published online, and in various journals including Oysters & Chocolate, Muscadine Lines: A Southern Journal, eFiction Magazine, Zouch, The Rusty Nail, and a few others he can't remember at the moment. His poetry has more recently become popular, and his 9-11 Tribute poem was used extensively in ceremonies during the tenth anniversary of this tragic event...His book "I Often Wonder: a collection of poetry and prose" on Inner Child Press, is now available on Amazon. When he is not writing, which is not often, his hobbies include music and camera collecting. He currently resides in New Jersey. He always appreciates feedback of any kind on his work, and can be reached by e-mail at:
Jeannie Moon
Award-winning, USA Today bestselling author Jeannie Moon has always loved stories. The author of nineteen contemporary romances, Jeannie is married to her high school sweetheart, has three grown kids and two grandchildren, and has lived on Long Island, NY, her whole life. A retired teacher and librarian, Jeannie is also an editor and author coach with a growing freelance practice. If she's more than ten miles away from salt water for any longer than a week, she gets twitchy.
Jill Ocone
Jill Ocone has been a writer/editor for Jersey Shore Magazine/Jersey Shore Publications since 2014 and a high school communications/journalism and English teacher since 2001. Her debut novel “Enduring the Waves” was published by Wild Rose Press in November 2023. Her work has also been published in Read Furiously’s Stay Salty: Life in the Garden State, Exeter Publishing’s From the Soil hometown anthology, Red Penguin Books’ Where Flowers Bloom, the leaves fall and ‘Tis the Season: Poems for Your Holiday Spirit, Everywhere magazine and elsewhere. She loves making memories with her nieces and nephews, exploring and traveling, laughing with her family and friends, and sharing her Point Pleasant home with her husband.
JJ Lair
I live by the Nestle factory where the air is coffee. Inspiration comes from an area that is coffee and books. I’ve joined several writer/critique groups over the years and met several writers, both published and undiscovered. While I work a full-time job, there is time for writing, reading and a Star Wars movie.
Kim Bongiorno
Kim Bongiorno is the author of PART OF MY WORLD, and a New York Times bestselling author for her humor essay work. To date she has been in nine anthologies, has completed a YA manuscript, is working on her first MG manuscript, has had well over a thousand articles published online and in print, and has received praise for her work from Buzzfeed, The Huffington Post, The Today Show, and The Erma Bombeck Writers’ Workshop. Kim lives in New Jersey with her family, and has many more stories to tell. Learn more at
LaCapra, Wendy
Wendy LaCapra has been reading romance since she sneaked into the adult section at the library and discovered Victoria Holt & Jane Aiken Hodge. From that point on, she dreamed of creating fictional worlds with as much richness, intrigue and passion as she found within those books. Her stories have placed in several contests, including the a 2012 Golden Heart®. She lives in NYC with her husband.
Lee, Roz**
Roz Lee has been married to her best friend and high school sweetheart for over three decades. These days she splits her time between their home in rural New Jersey and Southern California, where her husband works. Even though she's lived on both coasts, her heart lies in between, in Texas. A Texan by birth, she can trace her family back to the Republic of Texas. With roots that deep, she says, "You can't ever really leave."
Roz and her husband have two grown daughters they couldn't be more proud of, and are currently raising a ten-year-old Labrador Retriever, Betty Boop, who isn't aware of her canine heritage. When Roz isn't writing, she's reading or traipsing around the country on one adventure of another. No trip is too small, no tourist trap too cheesy, and no road unworthy of traveling.
Leigh, Melinda**
Melinda Leigh abandoned her career in banking to raise her kids and never looked back. She started writing as a hobby and became addicted to creating characters and stories. Since then, she has won numerous writing awards for her paranormal romance and romantic-suspense fiction. Her debut novel, She Can Run, was the number one bestseller in Kindle Romantic Suspense, a 2011 Best Book Finalist (the Romance Reviews), and a nominee for the 2012 International Thriller Award for Best First Novel. When she isn’t writing, Melinda is an avid martial artist: she holds a second-degree black belt in Kenpo karate and teaches women’s self-defense. She lives in a messy house with her husband, two teenagers, a couple of dogs, and two rescue cats.
Lena Reith
I live in South Jersey ten minutes from either the Atlantic Ocean or the Delaware Bay with two Maine Coon cats who get pushy from time to time. My cozy mystery series consists of four books so far. I’ve also published a novella and several short stories. Like most writers, I’ve traveled extensively and worked at many different and weird jobs. After all, it's all grist for the mill, as they say.
Lisa Rosenberg
Lisa Williamson Rosenberg is an author and psychotherapist in private practice specializing in developmental trauma and racial identity. A Pushcart Prize nominee, Lisa’s short fiction has appeared in Literary Mama and The Piltdown Review, her essays in Literary Hub, Longreads,, The Common, Grok Nation, and Mamalode. Her debut novel, EMBERS ON THE WIND, was released on August 1, 2022 by Little A Books. Lisa’s second novel, MIRROR ME, will be released on December 1, 2024, also by Little A. A born-and-raised New Yorker, Lisa now lives in Montclair, New Jersey with her husband and dog. She is the mother of two college kids.
Ludas, Daria (In Memoriam)
Daria Ludas w/a D.K. Ludas has always enjoyed reading and writing. At the age of ten she received a small typewriter for Christmas. She quickly typed several copies of a neighborhood newspaper called “The Linford Ledger,” which was named for the development she lived in. She graduated from Nancy Drew Mysteries to A Summer Place in sixth grade, without her parents’ knowledge. She then read Agatha Christie mysteries (Miss Marple a favorite). She currently reads Lisa Scottoline and Robert Parker, among several others. Daria/D.K. is a retired elementary school teacher, and is currently a New Jersey Realtor. She has been published in short fiction since 2005. When not writing or selling homes, she is involved in town politics, church organizations, Liberty States Fiction Writers and Sisters In Crime. She currently resides in Central New Jersey with her husband and daughter who are both supportive of her writing. Her website is
Lutter, Kate
Kate Lutter believes she was born to write. She wrote her first novel when she was in eighth grade, but then almost burned her house down when she tried to incinerate her story in the garbage can because she couldn’t get the plot to turn out right. Now, many years later, she lives in NJ with her husband and five cats (no matches in sight) and spends her days writing contemporary paranormal romances, traveling the world, and hanging out with her four wild sisters. She is happy to report that her debut novel, Wild Point Island, published by Crescent Moon Press, is available in mass market paperback and ebook formats. She is busy writing the sequel. Kate also writes a weekly exotic travel blog entitled Hot Blogging with Chuck, which features her very snarky and rascally almost famous cat. Kate can be found at Her blog can be found at
Lydia Weltmann
Lydia has been creating wild stories her entire life. As she grew older, she started writing them down. She was heavily inspired by Christopher Paolini when she discovered he first published Eragon at only seventeen, and hoped she could be published before then. While she didn’t reach that goal, she worked on perfecting her craft. She studied creative writing at Roanoke College and self-published a trilogy of novellas with the help of her professors. Since she finds herself unable to stop writing, Lydia has continued to craft novels since college and, every now and then, decides one is good enough for others to read.
Mary Kennedy
Mary Kennedy is a practicing psychologist and is the author of the Talk Radio Mysteries and the Dream Club Mysteries. She's written nearly 50 novels and has sold over four million books worldwide. Mary lives with her husband and six neurotic cats in the northeast. She has tried unsuccessfully to psychoanalyze both husband and cats, but she remains optimistic. You can visit her at and she blogs every Monday with the Cozy Chicks www.,
Marzec, Penelope**
Penelope Marzec grew up along the Jersey shore. She started reading romances at a young age and fell hopelessly in love with happy endings. Her inspirational romances won two of EPIC’s eBook Awards and another book was a finalist in that contest. Her paranormal, Irons In The Fire, was a nominee for a Romantic Times Reviewers Choice award. Visit her website at for more information.
Michael Daigle
Michael Stephen Daigle lives in N.J. with his family. He was an award-winning journalist for more than three decades. After graduation from Binghamton University, he wrote his first novel at 22, and a second at 24. The second one years later became the first book of his multi-award winning Frank Nagler Mystery series: “The Swamps of Jersey” (2014); “A Game Called Dead” (2016); and “The Weight of Living” (2017), “The Red Hand” (2019) and “Dragony Rising,” (2022).
Michael Goldfarb
Michael A. Goldfarb M.D. graduated from Hobart College and then attended New York University School of Medicine. He then completed a five year surgical residency at Beth Israel Medical Center, in New York City. After his training as a General Surgeon, he served as a Major in the United States Army. He was Surgical Director of Wound Ballistics, at Edgewood Arsenal, Maryland. He helped direct the development and testing of Kevlar body armor, and established the standard for bullet proof body armor.
Dr. Goldfarb then entered private practice in at Monmouth Medical Center, in Long Branch New Jersey. Since then he has been immersed in resident and student teaching and was appointed Professor of Surgery (Drexel University) in 2006. He served as Chairman and Program Director of the Department of Surgery from July 2000 until July 2014. He has helped train over 700 surgeons. As a surgeon, his experience has concentrated on compassionate interactions and meticulous techniques, to promote excellent clinical results. Dr. Goldfarb has multiple publications in peer reviewed journals and books and developed patents for surgical inventions. . He was a member of multiple surgical societies, hospital committees and a recent Governor of the American College of Surgeons. Currently he edits the column on New Innovations in Surgery, in General Surgery News. He is on the Advisory Boards of several medical companies. .Dr. Goldfarb is married to Barbara and they have two sons and four grandchildren. He has recently published a book, “Japan Inscape,” with Nancy Quatrano, who was also the editor. The book is a reflective journey told through haiku and photography. “My world view changed as a result of this trip, and I can honestly say I possess more peace and happiness now that I have experienced the power of understanding through gentle observation.”
Michael S. Daigle
Michael started writing at 15 and wrote two full novels by 24. One of those was rewritten into "The Swamps of Jersey," released in 2014 by Imzadi Publishing of Tulsa. Michael was a journalist for more than three decades in New England and New Jersey. "A Game Called Dead," the second Frank Nagler Mystery, was released in 2016. The third book in the series, "The Weight of Living," will be published in April 2017.
Michaels, Tere**
Tere Michaels is an East Coast girl, born and bred and no, she doesn't have an accent or bigh hair! Happily writing contemporaries and burgeoning superheroes in dystopian NYC-as you do...
Monica Chenault-Kilgore
Monica Chenault Kilgore's debut novel, LONG GONE, COME HOME was published in June of 2023 by Graydon House/HarperCollins. It is a historical women’s fiction novel that navigates the rhythms of African American life, love, jazz, blues, resistance, and resilience during the turbulent 1930s through early ‘40s. The well-received, fictional story is peppered with characters – saints and criminals living though life punctuated by the shifting racial climate during this historic period. Born and raised in Cincinnati Ohio, Monica currently resides in Edison, New Jersey. A graduate of The Ohio State University School of Journalism, she has been a freelance contributor to several publications and has written two booklets entitled, Liberty and Justice for All…Profiles of Middlesex County African American Veterans of WWII and the Korean War for the New Jersey State Historical Commission and Middlesex County Cultural and Heritage Commission. Interviewing Veterans sparked her interest in the period and fueled her desire to complete her first novel. Monica’s sophomore novel, THE JEWEL OF THE BLUES, an adventurous 1920s tale of one woman’s quest for stardom on the vaudeville stage, was published November 19, 2024 through Graydon House Books. She is currently writing a third novel. When not writing, she enjoys relaxing with a freshly brewed cup of coffee while listening to all sorts of jazz and classical music with her wonderful husband, son, and very spoiled cats. Monica is represented by Kevan Lyon of Marsal Lyon Literary Agency.
Monica Hoopes
Monica Hoopes is an author, attorney, and mother of three. She enjoys glamping and mud runs, and appreciates a good cocktail! She resides in Flemington, New Jersey, where her entirely fictitious characters keep her company. When she’s not writing, you’ll undoubtedly find her at her husband’s side.
Munn, Vivien
Vivienne Munn is an author, inspirational speaker, and entrepreneur. She is a published author of fiction and non-fiction, including books in 2015, My Pal Buddee Series, two non-fiction books: 2017 Relax–methods of Relaxing, and 2021, 18 Essentials to Self-Publishing Your Book, penned under V.K. Munn. Vivienne has offered virtual and in-person workshops training for Community centers in central and southern New Jersey and has lectured and taught workshops at many venues in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and New York. She is currently at work on her next story in the My Pal Buddee Series, for middle grade students. A former Medical – Dental Professor and Adjunct Clinical professor, who have developed various activity books and crossword puzzles for kids to engage in ‘To learn while playing.’ Introducing young minds to the world of word building and games. “My desire to bring about development and enhance learning skills in children- is the most prominent reason behind the creation of this book series.” Vivienne’s hobbies during her free time centered on reading, writing, learning new things, honing her skills in chess, and engaging with family, colleagues and friends, her passion is writing inspirational and engaging materials for children and middle grade students…
Nescott, Ginny B.
Hailing from Buffalo, Ginny has a Cornell degree and years of HR service, elected Council and volunteering. She lives with her Texan husband, actor/artist son and large rescue dog. In addition to other novels and short stories, Ginny’s novellas were published with The Wild Rose Press last year: “Turning A New Paige” “A Paige in Cupid’s Book” and “Paige’s Lucky Charm,” following up with a hardcopy of the anthology in August 2018, “Paige Through the Holidays.” Writing predominately in Romance or Rom/Com with heat, she is shifting gears (and pseudonyms), and is immersed in researching and writing an historical fiction closer to her Hungarian roots. When she’s not writing she can be found at the theatre, or enjoying other pursuits like cooking, swimming, playing cards and games. In October, she performed in The Addams Family musical in Dover Little Theatre and her Murder Mystery script is due to go into production in 2019/20. Her goal is to bring laughter and hope to her readers and friends.
Nicole S. Patrick
I’ve always loved to read, and in my teenage years, I “borrowed” my mom’s books to sneak away and become lost in the world of romance, and have been hooked ever since. After getting an MBA in Management I spent over ten years in the corporate world of Human Resources before deciding to try my hand at writing romance. A self-proclaimed coffee addict, when I’m not at my day job as a benefits specialist I'm nose in a book, working on my next writing project, or running another 5K. I live in New Jersey with my real-life hero, my husband, and my two sons. Never a dull moment. I'm all about the alpha military hero!
Noreen Braman
Noreen Braman, is the author of “Treading Water,” a collection of her humor columns and essays. Her poetry, fiction and non-fiction have appeared in print and online and also produced as stage readings and a radio play. Noreen was a member of the Garden State Horror Writers (now defunct) and published in 3 GSHW anthologies. She admires Shirley Jackson, sharing her penchant for both humor and horror. She is also a certified Laugher Wellness Instructor, helping others to learn how to laugh for health of it to increase resilience and enhance well-being.
Peterson, Irene**
Irene Peterson is a Jersey Girl. She's been writing since she was fifteen and published her first novel in 2006. Of course, it's about the Jersey shore. Of course, part of it is autobiographical...but only the nifty parts. She is currently working on a dragon book, a WWII adventure and a romp in Scotland with the Loch Ness monster. Some of this will be autobiographical. Irene's website is located at Her blog with current serialog is
Pineiro, Caridad**
Caridad Pineiro is a transplanted Long Island girl who has fallen in love with the Jersey Shore. When Caridad isn’t taking long strolls along the boardwalk, she’s also a NY Times and USA Today bestselling author with over a million romance novels sold worldwide. Caridad is passionate about writing and helping others explore and develop their skills as writers. She is a founding member of the Liberty States Fiction Writers and has presented workshops at the RT Book Club Convention, Romance Writers of America National Conference as well as various writing organizations throughout the country. You can connect with Caridad at
Quatrano, Nancy**
Nancy Quatrano's an award-winning writer, an editor, speaker, and solopreneur. In addition to fiction writing, she owns and operates On-Target Words, a professional writing company that specializes in press releases, article writing, and content editing that has resulted in authors winning awards and obtaining publication. She has been published by Wild Rose Press, Pisces Press, Women's World, Romance Writers Report and InSinc, for articles and short fiction. Her upcoming women's fiction series is contracted with Salt Run Publishing.
For more information, visit
Quick, Kathye**
Kathye Quick has been dreaming about King Arthur and his knights ever since she saw the first episode of the Adventures of Sir Lancelot on a black and white television way back when she was a little girl. The dashing William Russell as Sir Lancelot stole her heart and swept her away to a time when “In days of old, when knights were bold, the stories told of Sir Lancelot.” From that day on, as soon as the Sisters in Catholic School, gave her a number 2 pencil, she began writing her own tales of knights and their ladies. Kathye is thrilled to build upon her Beyond Camelot – Brother Knights series with the release of Braeden and Janne and plans a third book to continue the adventure.
A multi-published award-winning author, in addition to fantasy historical romance, Kathye also writes romantic comedies, historical romance, and, with Patt Mihailoff writing as P. K. Eden, urban fantasy. She is one of the founding members of Liberty State Fiction Writers, a multi genre writing group formed to further the craft of writing and help others hone their writing skills and break into the publishing world.
When she isn’t writing, Kathye works for county government in New Jersey and is married to her real life knight in shining armor, Don. She has three grown sons who are all having adventures in kingdoms of their own.
Visit Kathye at her website to find out more about her stories.
Radha Lin Chaddah
Radha Lin Chaddah is an Asian American author who lived and worked in China for nine years. As a physician-lawyer working in an international hospital, I was privileged to hear the stories of many Chinese families who lived during and after the Cultural Revolution. I also worked with the China CDC as a contributing author to the book HIV/AIDS in China: Beyond the Numbers. My debut novel, And The Ancestors Sing, is due out March, 2026 (Sold and distributed by Simon and Schuster and Rising Action Publishing Co.).
Renee, Sha
Sha is a Navy Veteran, dental assistant and Romance author from Brooklyn, New York. She enjoys photography, painting and experiencing the beauty of nature. Sha has a passion for motorcycles, sports cars, military air shows, the X Games and any other high-speed, adrenaline-producing activities. Sha currently resides in New Jersey with her husband and children and believes every day should start with a cup of hot coffee and end with a glass of chilled wine.
Robyn Gigl
Robyn Gigl is an author, attorney and advocate. TIME Magazine selected her novel, SURVIVOR’S GUILT, as one of the 100 best Mystery and Thriller books of All Time. Her first novel, BY WAY OF SORROW, was called “quietly groundbreaking” by the NY Times and named one of the best crime novels of 2021 by CrimeReads. SURVIVOR’S GUILT was also named one of the best crime novels of 2022 by the NY Times, and won the Joseph Hansen Award for LGBTQ+ Crime Writing. Robyn’s third novel, REMAIN SILENT, was published in May 2023. Her fourth novel, NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH was published in June 2024 and was selected by the NY Times as one of the best crime novels of 2024. Robyn lives in NJ, and continues to practice law by day, and work on her next novel at night. Fortunately, she has a very boring social life.
Romano, Louis**
Born in The Bronx, NY in 1950, Romano hit the literary scene in 2010 at the age of 60. Having written raw, urban poetry since he was 18, he compiled his works into two books, and a new career was on its way. Drawing from the great response he received from those books, Anxiety's Nest and Anxiety's Cure, he followed up his newfound passion for writing with his stunning, gruesome, mob novel, Fish Farm. Following Fish Farm was the 5-time award-winning for best screenplay, and yet another mobster book, BESA. The recurring characters in this series solidified Romano's dedicated readership. GAME OF PAWNS was released in 2016 and was considered for a Pulitzer Prize. He developed a second series, with new characters Detective Vic Gonnella and Raquel Ruiz in PAWNS, the third book in this series released in March, 2016. He has been knocking down doors with his smash hit, INTERCESSION, since transferring his works to Vecchia Publishing. INTERCESSION was awarded an honor as a 2014 Foreword Review Mystery/Thrillerfinalist. The second book in the series,YOU THINK I'M DEAD followed, and is based on a true, unsolved murder. NBC-10 Philadelphia interviewed Mr. Romano about his findings while he was researching this book, and with their own forensic team concluded those facts should be further investigated by the Philadelphia Police. JUSTIFIED is the sequel to INTERCESSION and was released March, 2017.
To national acclaim, Mr. Romano's first book in his Teen/YA/Family series ZIP CODE just released March, 2017 also. ZIP CODE is marketed toward middle to high school students' curricula utilizing the discussion guide in the back of the book.
Louis Romano's insistence on excellence is shown throughout his other business endeavors in the oil and healthcare industries. He carries this through into his literary career, researching and writing with accuracy to please even the most educated reader on the topic at hand, yet presenting it in such a way that casual readers find themselves easily engrossed as well. While passionate about writing, Romano is also known for his compassion, and fighting for the underdog. He sits on the board of Road-to-Recovery, a non-profit charity which assists victim-survivors of clergy sexual abuse. In 2016, he was named to the board of the Trafficking in America Task Force. He also "forces" himself to play golf a lot,most usually with a respectable score, and can be seen at many charitable golfoutings. He enjoys spending time with his grandsons, traveling, and hanging out with his dog, Rocco.
Roni Denholz
Since she first learned to read, Roni Paitchel Denholtz has loved books. She began making up stories with happy endings when she was young, and eventually she started writing them down. After graduating from Newark State College (now Kean University) with a B.A. in Early Childhood Education, Roni taught children with learning disabilities and studied for her master's degree. When she finished her M.A. in Education of the Handicapped, Roni decided to get serious about her writing dreams and got down to work, writing and rewriting, studying the craft, and learning about submitting manuscripts. Today, Roni is an award-winning author who has had stories, articles and poetry published in magazines such as Modern Romances, True Love, Baby Talk, Complete Woman, For the Bride and Women's Circle. She is the author of nine juvenile books, published by January Productions, an educational publisher. One of her books, "Jenny Gets Glasses" was ranked #7 of the top 20 favorites of first graders in a nationwide study by the Reading is Fundamental group. Roni’s four romances, three contemporaries and one traditional regency, are published by Avalon Books. Her regency “Marquis in a Minute” won the 2007 Golden Leaf award given by New Jersey Romance Writers for excellence in romance fiction! Roni’s fifth romance “Salsa with Me” will be published in October 2008. Roni teaches a class in writing, "Writing for Fun and Profit" through her local adult school. Some of her writing students have now been published! Roni is a member of New Jersey Romance Writers, Romance Writers of America, and the Authors Guild. Roni lives in northwest New Jersey with her family, including their dog and a goldfish. Roni combines her roles of mother and writer with working as a realtor in her husband's independent real estate company, Jersey Success Realty. She also enjoys reading, photography, cooking, listening to music, and collecting old girls' series books like Nancy Drew and Judy Bolton.
Samantha Ann
Samantha Ann is a #1 Best Selling Amazon author using her unique style of helping people learn Korean while reading a romance novel. She started writing in the fifth grade and never stopped. She has her mother’s genes to thank for that. When she isn’t writing she is either at her everyday job at a children’s clothing company or creating fun new TikToks and Instagram posts as any good ‘influencer’ should. She is also a mother to a lovely fur baby named Lily.
Sha Renée
Sha Renée is a native New Yorker who left home at the age of 17 to join the US Navy. She now lives in New Jersey where she creates stories on the pages where duty, honor and passion unite. She is a member of the Liberty States Fiction Writers and RomVets - female service members and veterans who write Romance. She’s also the organizer of the Indie Publishing MeetUp group.A true nature lover, the Brooklyn-born author can often be found enjoying the outdoors with a camera in her hands. In addition to photography, her passions include motorcycles, fast cars and almost any event in The X Games. Described as a People Person Sha Renée enjoys laughing with family and friends, networking with other writers and of course, connecting with her readers.
Skye McDonald
Skye McDonald writers books to make you laugh, cry, and swoon. She writes romantic fiction and nonfiction focused on holistic self-care. In novels and articles, Skye's message is the same: falling in love with yourself is the real path to a happily ever after.
Tina Gabrielle
Tina Gabrielle/Tina Kashian is an attorney and mechanical engineer whose love of reading for pleasure helped her get through years of academia. She is the author of adventurous historical romances for Entangled Publishing and Kensington Books. Tina also writes the diverse best-selling Kebab Kitchen Mediterranean cozy mystery series for Kensington as Tina Kashian, and her first book, Hummus and Homicide, spent six weeks on the Barnes and Noble bestseller list. Tina grew up in the restaurant business, as her Armenian parents owned a restaurant for thirty years. Tina lives in South Jersey and is married to her own hero and is blessed with two daughters.
Tracey Lyons
Publisher’s Weekly bestselling author, Tracey J Lyons sold her first book to a major publisher on 9/9/99! (The day everyone thought our computers were going to crash!) Since then, she has gone on to work with several other publishing houses, including, Christian publisher Waterfall Press and Harlequin’s Love Inspired line. Her books have been translated into several languages and are available in print, digital and audio formats. A true upstate New Yorker, Tracey believes you should write what you know. Her historical and contemporary novels are all set in the New York State area. Tracey considers herself a small-town gal who writes small-town stories. Tracey is a member of ACFW, Novelist Inc., and several other professional writing organizations.
Trauth, Suzanne**
Suzanne Trauth is the author of What Remains of Love and the Dodie O’Dell mystery series—Show Time, Time Out, Running out of Time, Just in Time, No More Time, and Killing Time. Her plays include Laws of the Universe (semi-finalist Premiere Stages New Play Festival), La Fonda (HRC Showcase Theatre 2018-19 season, semi-finalist Premiere Stages New Play Festival), Françoise (nominated for Kilroy List, semi-finalist Boomerang New Play Festival), Midwives (semi-finalist Boomerang New Play Festival), Rehearsing Desire, iDream (supported by the National Science Foundation’s STEM initiative), and Katrina: the K Word (based on interviews with New Orleans’ survivors of Hurricane Katrina, presented on college campuses around the country), among others. Her plays have been developed and presented by Writers Theatre of NJ, Luna Stage Company, Premiere Stages, HRC Showcase Theatre, Nora's Playhouse, Bickford Theatre, and the New Jersey Theatre Center. Her screenplays Solitaire and Boomer Broads have won awards at the Austin Film Festival, among other contests, and she wrote and directed the short film Jigsaw (PF3 Film Festival and New Filmmakers, NY). She is a member of Writers Theatre of New Jersey Women Playwrights program, the Dramatists Guild, Mystery Writers of America, Sisters in Crime, and the League of Professional Theatre Women. Suzanne has co-authored Sonia Moore and American Acting Training and co-edited Katrina on Stage: Five Plays. She spent many years as a university professor of theatre and lives in Woodland Park, New Jersey. Visit her website: or connect on Facebook:
Tully, Cathleen**
After my youngest child sat on my lap one day and asked, “Mommy, what do you want to be when you grow up?” my journey into the writing world began. Sure, I loved staying home with my children, but they were growing up too fast and I wanted to have something for me once they were off to college and on their own sooo... After taking a course on writing for children at the Institute of Children’s Literature, I published a children's non-fiction book in 2004, Nebraska, for Kidhaven Press. To say I was excited put it mildly, now a published author, I was thrilled. When a mentor and dear friend, said, “You should write a romance” I took her advice. After all, she’d steered me toward writing for children and that worked out well. I had nothing to lose. Thus began my adventure into writing women’s fiction and romance novels. Hard to believe that was eight years ago, but I love the romance genre so much I haven’t looked back since : ) My available books are as follows:
ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE; available now, Astraea Press,
MARRYING MR. RIGHT; available now,, The Wild Rose Press
TRAINING TRAVIS; coming soon,, The Wild Rose Press
Vause, Rayna**
Rayna is fascinated by the paranormal and she loves a good romance as well, which probably explains why these two elements perpetually crop up in her writing. The perpetual student, she took fiction writing classes and steeped herself in reading tales of love conquering all before attempting to write her own story. After a number of failed attempts she finally published a paranormal romantic suspense novel before discovering a secondary passion, M/M romance.Now, Rayna divides her time between crafting stories of sexy men finding their way to love and penning the adventures of kick-butt heroes and heroines who overcome impossible odds. Naturally, she mixes in a bit of the supernatural. Additionally, she also writes out of the box paranormals with, blog mate, Melinda Leigh.When Rayna isn’t writing or being bossed around by the two cats that allow her to live with them, she’s attending karate classes, planning her next trip to Disney World or indulging her obsession with video games. She is a founding member of Liberty States Fiction Writers.
Watkins, Eileen F.
Eileen F. Watkins specializes in mystery and suspense fiction. In 2017 she launched the Cat Groomer Mysteries, starting with The Persian Always Meows Twice, from Kensington Books. The second book, The Bengal Identity, is due in spring of 2018. Eileen previously published eight novels with Amber Quill Press, most of them paranormal suspense, and most recently the Quinn Matthews Haunting Mysteries. The first of these books, Dark Music, received the David G. Sasher Award at the 2014 Deadly Ink Mystery Conference. The second, Hex, Death & Rock ‘n’ Roll, was a Mystery finalist for the 2014 Next Generation EBook Awards. Watkins is a member of Mystery Writers of America, Liberty States Fiction Writers and Sisters in Crime; she serves as publicist for Sisters in Crime Central Jersey. She also publicizes New Jersey’s annual Deadly Ink Mystery Conference. Eileen comes from a journalistic background, having written for New Jersey’s two largest daily newspapers covering art, architecture, interior design and home improvement, and also freelanced on these subjects for major magazines. Besides these topics, she has strong interests in the paranormal and spirituality as well as in animal training and rescue. She is seldom without at least one cat in the house, pays regular visits to the nearest riding stable and has competed in dressage. Visit her web site at and her Facebook page at
Winston, Lois**
USA Today bestselling and award-winning author Lois Winston writes mystery, romance, romantic suspense, chick lit, women’s fiction, children’s chapter books, and nonfiction under her own name and her Emma Carlyle pen name. Kirkus Reviews dubbed her critically acclaimed Anastasia Pollack Crafting Mystery series, “North Jersey’s more mature answer to Stephanie Plum.” In addition, Lois is an award-winning craft and needlework designer who often draws much of her source material for both her characters and plots from her experiences in the crafts industry. Visit Lois/Emma at and Anastasia at the Killer Crafts & Crafty Killers blog, Follow everyone on Pinterest at and onTwitter at Sign up for her newsletter at
Wolf, Pearl**
Pearl Wolf published her first work of fiction–a short anecdote for THE READER’S DIGEST—when she was fourteen years old. For this effort, she received the grand sum of $5.00. That was enough to start her on her writing career. She lives in Manhattan, escapes to Southampton whenever she can and hibernates in Florida in the winter. She has two sons and three grandsons. Pearl is active in several writers organizations including New Jersey Romance Writers, Florida Romance Writers, NYC Mystery Writers of America and Sisters in Crime, NY-Tristate chapter (past president). When she isn’t writing, she loves to play duplicate bridge and is a life master.
A Multi-Genre Fiction Writers Organization